Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Jessica Millhiser

Most Popular Car on Campus

Ford is the number one brand of vehicle on campus with 153 Fords in the lot. Chevy comes in second with 127 and Subaru comes in third with 105. There also seems to be a color trend in the lot as well, with red coming in number one with black and silver just about tying for second.

• Karen Murray, LSC senior, Subaru: “My parents bought it for me when I got my permit; they liked the fact that it had all-wheel drive. I love having all-wheel drive, it makes me feel safer.”

• Sarah Willey, junior, Subaru: “My first car was a Subaru so I wanted another one. I like that I haven’t had a lot of problems with it. I like the all-wheel drive, the style and how it looks.”

• Tom Hurd, junior, black Honda Civic: “I like that it’s black because I wanted to put some graphics on the side. Black is a very versatile color that way; you have a wide variety of options.”

• Michelle Robert, senior, silver Mazda: “I like the color but it gets dirty very quickly. I picked my car more for the SUV and silver is a color that I feel not too many people have.”

Most Popular Car on campus is Ford. Chevy and Subary follow.
Jessica Millhiser

A recent survey of cars in the LSC parking lots shows that Ford's are the most popular, with 153 of them in the lot. Right behind them is Chevys, with 127 cars in the lot, and Subarus following up with 105.

As well as the car models, the repitition of color seems to spark interest too, with red cars dominating. Black and silver tie for second.

As for why this is, both Karen Murray and sarah Willey rave about their Subarus, both noting the all wheel drive that these cars possess.

Tom Hurd and Michelle Robert both talk about their choice of vehicle color as well. Hurd says his Black Honda is ideal for putting graphics on the side. Robert says of her silver Mazda,"I like the color but it gets dirty very quickly. I picked my car more for the SUV and silver is a color that I feel not too many people have." Silver is one of the top vehicle colors in the lot.

Internal Links:
Ford: 153 cars
Chevy: 127
Subaru: 105

External Links:

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