Monday, February 12, 2007

Online Writing: Good Vs. Bad

So the three basic priciples of online writing are:
1) The reader rules.
2) The writing is nonlinear.
3) Structure is everything.

Now going on these three basic assumptions of what well written online journalism is, I found that bascially all major broadcasting websites are well written. One in particular being my hometown's news station,

One story in general, was about a bookkeeper stealing a very large amount of money.

The way it was presented kept the reader intrigued, leading back to rule #2. They kept no secrets from the reader that I could see (rule #1), and the structure was nothing to talk bad about either.

As far as a bad example of online writing, I couldn't really find one. I think that websites do a fairly decent job of presenting their stories, that's why they're still around.

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